I have wanted to try out fish patties for a long
time, and I still had two pieces of salmon left in the freezer from
Christmas so I thought why not cook an Easter Monday celebratory lunch? I
think it was a wise decision, surely I will make fish patties in the
future too because it was absolutely delicious. To be honest the
potatoes started out as the recipe from this month's Good Food
magazine's recipe, where you have to make a spicy mixture and then fry
the pieces of potato in this mixture but I overcooked them and in the
end it became a mashed potato dish, but at least now I can call this
recipe my own :)) I won't write down a recipe for the spinach, it's very
easy, you just need some fresh of frozen spinach leaves, cook them in a
pan until the water disappears and then season it with salt, some
ground nutmeg and garlic.
Ingredients for the fish patties:
- approx. 20-30 dkgs of fresh salmon
- a handful of chives
- juice of half a lemon
- 1 smaller cooked potato
- 1 egg
- 1 teaspoon of fish seasoning
- a little bit of grates parmesan cheese
- salt, pepper
- 3 tablespoons of flour

In a saucer pan start steaming the fish in a bit of water and oil, don't forget to cover the pan. You only have to cook it until it cooks on the inside too, don't dry it out. Then get a fork and cut the fish in a couple of bigger parts, so that it can cool down and take the bones out, if there are any. Then let it cool down completely. Meanwhile chop the chives fine and put it into a bowl together with the fish, which you have to mince with a fork until it completely falls apart. Add the potatoes too, smash the pieces with a fork, then add the lemon juice, the cheese, the seasoning, some salt and pepper and mix it until it becomes a completely solid mixture. Taste it, add more salt or anything that it needs and then add the egg too and give it a good stir again. Then form little patties from the mixture, roll them into the flour and on a bit of oil fry them (not deep frying, just on a bit of oil), until both sides are golden.
Ingredients for the mashed potatoes:
- 4-5 bigger potatoes
- 1 bigger onion
- 3 cloves of garlic
- 1 tablespoon of caraway seeds
- half a tablespoon of chilli powder
- half a tablespoon of smoked paprika
- salt and pepper
Cut the potatoes in pieces and cook them in salted water. Meanwhile chop the onions and the garlic fine and start frying them in a pan. When the potato is cooked, pour off the water and add the potatoes to the onion mixture. Start giving it a stir, the potatoes will fall apart but that's good. Let it fry on the bottom for a while, then give it a good stir and again let it fry for a little while, so that there will be soft and crunchy parts in the end. At some point add the chili and the paprika powder too, and salt, if neccessary.