Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Peach cake with a banana impulse

Ingredients (for a cake frame of 28 cm)

The crust
  • 10 dkg of stone ground wheat
  • 2 eggs
  • half a dl of oil
  • 2 packets of vanilin sugar
  • 8 ladyfingers smashed
  • uice of half a lemon
  • peel of a lemon
  • additional sweetening if necessary
The filling
  • one banana
  • two packets of canned peaches
  • apricot jam
  • walnut
  • almond chips
  • sesame seeds
Measure the wheat for the crust and add the two eggs. Add the vanilin sugar, the lemon juice, the peel of the lemon, the oil and the ladyfingers. Knead the whole thing until you get a batter that you can stretch. Strech it according to the size of the frame and put it into the frame in which you previously put baking paper.
Put apricot jam onto the batter, and put the sliced banana onto the jammed layer. Start laying the peach sliced too. In an appropiate moment add some extra apricot jam between two layers of peach. Then comes the rest of the peach. Sprinkle the sesame seeds, almond chips and the chopped walnuts onto the whole cake. It needs 20-30 minutes at 180 deg.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Zuchini salad for rainy days

Because what else you can do when its gray and rainy outside than start cooking...:)

Ingredients for a relatively big batch
  • 2 big zucchinis
  • 2 smaller ones
  • several cloves of garlic
  • fresh basil leaves
  • tomatoes
  • olive oil, salt, ground black pepper
  • 1 dl of sour cream
  • juice of a quarter of a lemon
  • roasted sesame and sunflower seeds
Wash the zucchinis. Pare the two bigger ones in order to obtain 3-4 mm thick circles. In a bit of olive oil start frying them, add a bit of salt and cover it. We dont want to overcook it, just until they become soft enough.
Chop the other two zucchinis into smaller pieces, and start frying them too in another pan. The point is to cook them absolutely soft, because it will be the basic element of the dressing. Add smashed garlic to the smaller zucchini pieces, add salt and freshly ground pepper and wait until its done.
When the zucchini circles are done, put them into the bowl where we will finally mix the salad and let it cool for a bit. Chop the tomatoes and the basil leaves and add them to the cool zucchini. Also add the lemon juice.
Add sour cream to the zucchini made for the dressing and mix it with the electric mixer. Taste it, if its salty enough then mix it with the rest of the salad.
In a dry pan roast the seeds and sprinkle them onto the salad.